The Glut Farm

LUXURY farm stay Victoria accommodation focusing on sustainability.

ONE HUNDRED acre private property situated in the tranquil setting of Mount Cole state forest, just two hours drive from Melbourne.

LUXURY farm stay Victoria accommodation focusing on sustainability and working harmoniously with the land. We aim for low-waste, recycle, reuse and repurposing without compromising luxury and comfort.

CONSCIOUS TRAVEL has never been more important than now. By thoughtfully selecting destinations and businesses that embody and promote sustainability we can all work together to improve the health of our earth.

WE HOPE to inspire others simply through their immersive stay at The Glut Farm. The smallest change to live more sustainably, whether simply swapping clingwrap for reusable beeswax covers or starting a kitchen garden at home, all have a great impact.

HERE at the Glut Farm our guests can experience a conscious and slow way of living.
